
The video game Jukebox!

The video game Jukebox!
Enjoy video game music as background music while working on other things (cleaning, studying, cooking, etc!). The only thing you need is a computer connected to the internet and nothing else. Not much tracks as of now, but I will post more of them over time! Due to the nature of sources, most of the videos are Japanese, but no worries, the only thing you have to do is click the play button and you are good to go! Also they are in FLV form (Sorry for not being able to shuffle through... this way people won't get into trouble with copyright infringement). Click on the Jukebox for the album list!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Top 5 Final Fantasy mods in Skyrim


Nerd Mage said...

Where did you find the mods can you tell us the websites.

ガブ said...

Checkout the page of this video on youtube. They got the links in the descriptions.


Please help me make an efficient blog. If you find a deleted video on my posts, please let me know at youemura@hotmail.com.